Gregor Schäfer Dairy Consulting

Practice based services and solutions!

Gregor Schäfer is working since 2003 as freelance consultant. 

Based in Bavaria, working for private clients and suppliers on commissioning of milk processing plants and  cheese production plants, as well as senior adviser in EU financed projects in the EU, Central Asia, MENA and Africa.

Having an experience of over 40 years, working for some milk processors in Germany and abroad, Gregor Schäfer Dairy Consulting can offer deep practice based services in milk processing and cheese production in different aspects.

Working History:

Yo-crunch as Dairy Technologist > High Value added Yogurt and Desserts in start up for US market

Goldsteig Cheese plant as Dairy Technologist and Supervisor > Pasta Filata, Semi Hard and Hard Cheese

Danone as Supervisor > fermented products

ASI Europe as Production Manager / Organic white cheese